Dr Ala Lakshma Reddy is the founder of Pragathi Hospital. He is best known as a compassionate Humanitarian, who dedicated his whole life in the service of public health. Pragathi Hospital started its journey on 10th December 1977. He believed in that the "Hospital is for Hospitality and There are No Boundaries for Humanity". He aimed at providing quality health care at affordable prices to all section, of the society. He also started a training program for junior Doctors for a period of 2 years by paying stipend to improve their skills in surgical, medical management and in emergency procedures.
Hospital charges were so flexible and economical ad he started with an outpatient charge of Rs 6/- which was valid for 3 months. They used to perform more than 3000 procedures every year and used to treat more than 100 New Out-patients and 200 Old Out-patients every day. These achievements had encouraged them to transform 10 bedded hospital to 150 bedded hospital. After his 12 years of journey, to extend the same level of services to the coming generations, he settled this property into a public charitable trust named “PRAGATHI HOSPITAL TRUST” on 1st December 1989. He always remembers source of his classmates and colleagues who gave donations for the development of Hospital.
Best Hopsital for Aarogya Sri.
Dr Laxmareddy Sir is best Doctor in Nizamabad.
Best Hopsital for Aarogya Sri.
The best semi-govt. Hospital in Nizamabad.
Total Patients Treated
Aarogya Sri Procedures
Aarogyasri Cardiology
Happy Patients